Crucifixed Crow
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Crucifixed Crow

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 Crucifixed Crow Pub

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Nur Lillith
Crucifixed Crow(Admin)
Starla von Does
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime24th July 2008, 01:37

ja volim kisu..

sta ste zamrli svi cyclops ?
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Nur Lillith

Nur Lillith

Number of posts : 78
Age : 93
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime24th July 2008, 12:15

Sto se mene tice...
"Zamrla" sam jr imam jako puno posla u realnom

cim uhvatim vremena malo pogledam sto se dogada i napisem novi topic...

Pozdrav svima
a ljubavi mojoj velika pusa
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime25th July 2008, 05:45

Sto se ovo dogadja???

Nema nikoga? Suspect
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime26th July 2008, 01:17

ti postavljaj pitanja, a ja cu odgovarati..nema nam druge Smile
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime26th July 2008, 01:29


Pitat te nešto?
Pa, let`s me see...

Što bi smatrao/la najbitnijom stvari u životu i zašto?
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime27th July 2008, 21:59

wwwwiiiiiiiii, idemo se igrati Basketball
trenutno obrazovanje na prvom mjestu..zasto? mislim da netrebam objasnjavat..
a dugorocno gledano, kad malo pogledas oko sebe..najbitnije za svakog..osloboditi se straha..ostati svoj i izdrzati pritisak i nametanja okoline.."bas volim sve, sto nije dobro za mene..."
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime27th July 2008, 22:05

Ne znam...

Mislim da jos nisam u stanju to reci...
Jos sam zbunjena oko identiteta =)

Ali trenutno valjda se oslanjam na one male stvari koje cinim za druge, i oni za mene jer ne želim izgubit želju za svim...
Dosta puta mi se to desilo, i uvijek bih se vracala na isto.
I zao mi je zbog toga..

Aj ni nista.
Filozofiram =)

Ali ajmo jednostavnije onda pitanje =)

Što voliš raditi?

I eh, da...smiju svi odgovoriti =)
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime27th July 2008, 22:15

evo nekih stvari koje volim..ovo se pretvara u tea time with Sphinx farao
volim kisu, volim nevrijeme, volim primjecivati nebitno, volim proucavati osobe, volim maglovita jutra, volim miris cigareta, volim mastanja i kreativne ljude, volim Englesku i Rimsko carstvo, volim...volim jos puno toga Smile...
ti? xD
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime27th July 2008, 22:27

Kako bi se sad tek raspisala...

Volim slusat glazbu na gramofonu, spavati dugo, pametovat nekad kad znam da sam superiorna u nekom podrucju, jesti stvari koje volim, kao npr. jogurt od višnje, preseravat se i malo komentirati stvari, ljude i slike oko mene (khm =)), gledati zvijezde, pisati svoje misli na papiru...

To je nesto od mnogih stvari...
Voljela bih nekad da me netko jednom i bolje upozna.
Da ne moram objasnjavati sve stvari koje cinim.
Jer nekad sve što drugi čine njima se čini logično.
Tako se čini i svijet u redu, kao i ja.

Aaa....Opet pametujem.
Ne mogu si danas pomoci =)
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime27th July 2008, 23:55

pametna si ti Wink..
sad ja pitam Smile..di se vidis za 20 god?
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Nur Lillith

Nur Lillith

Number of posts : 78
Age : 93
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime28th July 2008, 02:52

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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime28th July 2008, 13:34

Nur L. ke te muci xD ?
slobodno i ti fantaziras s nama Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 70410 ...
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Starla von Does

Starla von Does

Number of posts : 173
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime28th July 2008, 14:53

haha sto smo se raspricali,a medica? XD
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime28th July 2008, 23:06

Starlica, gumi medvjedica moja xD Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 803655
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Starla von Does

Starla von Does

Number of posts : 173
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime29th July 2008, 13:36

gummy gummy XD

o jebemu,opet vrucine... No
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime29th July 2008, 21:25

sve ide u kur**..i trosjed i vrucine i neznam kaj jos xD...sve xD..
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Starla von Does

Starla von Does

Number of posts : 173
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime29th July 2008, 23:45

a jadan...popapaj jednog medicuuuu bit ce nam svima lakse XD XD gummy gummy bear Very Happy
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 00:50

Starlica, da te nema trebalo bi te izmisliti I love you xD..
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 02:17

Opet sam dosla pametovati...
Malo izumire ovaj forum.
A ja bih ga bas htjela jos odrzat na zivotu.
Bas mi je fora =)

Imam gdje barem malo vidjet tudja misljenja.
Jer sam ja bice bez zivota.
Tako da ovo je jedini nacin komuniciranja sa drugima...

Nemojte bit zamrli Sad
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Starla von Does

Starla von Does

Number of posts : 173
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 09:20

Forum ce jos malo izumirati jerbo nema Ene i Danka,a ni Crowa...
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 15:43

a di je ta ptica odvratna? ni na trosjedu ga nema..
meni je tu bas fora..malo ljudi, ekipa koja se pozna..
jebemu, ajmo mi neku temu pokrenut da nam nije dosadno dok se ovi ne vrate..ajmo puce xD..
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Starla von Does

Starla von Does

Number of posts : 173
Location : Đakovo
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 19:03

A pticica je trenutno bez neta ostao,no bude se vratio XD
Jao pucajte vi teme ja sad ne mog razmisljat,upravo sam se probudila. XD
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 21:48

Ovo zaista nije u redu...
Ja ništa nisam skužila što ste napisali dosad...
Ja sam nepoznata ovdje...
Mene je Crow pokupio na chatu da se učlanim...
Jesam jadna =)
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Number of posts : 135
Age : 35
Location : under the bridge
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 23:48

angel, ke ti nije jasno? pitaj ak te nest zanima..ozbiljno..dobri smo mi.. Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 355557 xD
a kud bas na je za bakice xD..
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 34
Location : your dreams...
Registration date : 2008-07-18

Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime30th July 2008, 23:55

Inače sam jako zbunjena i ne volim se petljat u nešto što ne kužim...
Nije mi jasan odnos medju vama =)

Da, sad sam ispala jos i bakica...

Onda se radje pitajte sta je on radio da bi skupio tamo nekoga za ovaj forum...
Oh, bože osjećam se kao drive-in hrana...
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Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crucifixed Crow Pub   Crucifixed Crow Pub - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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